Obtaining a divorce on the grounds of unconscionable behaviour
If you are thinking of filing for divorce, it is a good idea to contact Divorce Attorneys in Sandton. These professionals can help you obtain a divorce on the grounds of irretrievable breakdown of the marriage. They can also help you obtain a restraining order if your partner has been abusive.
Getting a divorce on the grounds of irretrievable breakdown of the marriage
In Massachusetts, an irretrievable breakdown of the marriage is a valid basis for divorce. This type of divorce involves no fault and is often referred to as a “no-fault divorce.” This type of divorce is most suitable for couples who can no longer live together. They can no longer share their goals and may no longer be able to get along.
If you and your spouse have been living together for more than six months and cannot agree on anything, you may be eligible for a divorce on the grounds of irretrievable breakdown. This type of divorce can be faster, less costly, and more private than other forms of divorce. However, you must be able to prove that you and your spouse can no longer get along.
There are various reasons for divorce and each reason must meet certain legal requirements. Depending on your state, you can choose the most suitable legal grounds for divorce. Getting a divorce on the grounds of adultery requires that you show proof that your spouse cheated on you. Moreover, proof of adultery must be beyond reasonable doubt.
Obtaining a divorce on the grounds that your spouse has been unfaithful is possible and legal. The court must take care to draft the agreement in such a way that it can withstand attack. It must be fair to both parties, and any one-sided agreement will pose problems. In addition, an unconscionable agreement will be unenforceable.
Obtaining a restraining order
If you have a child and are experiencing abuse, you may need to obtain a restraining order against your spouse. These orders are typically effective for one year, after which theĀ attorneys in sandton abuser can request a hearing. However, if he or she fails to request a hearing, the restraining order will remain in effect. To obtain a hearing, you must present legal grounds for the request.
The reasons for applying for a restraining order can vary depending on the type of abuse you’re dealing with. The abuser may be threatening to take your children or destroy your property. If you’re married or own a home with your partner, you can ask the court to remove him or her from the premises.
To obtain a restraining order, you must first prove that the abuser has physically harmed you or attempted to injure you for at least 180 days. In addition to physical abuse, the abuser must also have made you fearful of your physical or emotional harm. Furthermore, the abuser must have engaged in sexual relations with you, which is forbidden under the restraining order.